Missions: Winning Conditions
Submitted by ArgCmdr
will briefly explain several ways of ending your mission map in victory. This
will briefly explain several ways of ending your mission map in victory.
Establishing a single factor for a victory is easy: Suppose the only objective
is destroying all the enemy. The trigger would simply consist of an event
and an action at minimum. However, its preferable to make it look tidier.
For the simple and fast way;
Trigger Name: Win * or any other thing, just keeping order
Owner: < insert player house> * actually not needed but its just to keep an
Type: 0
Event: 11 Destroyed All, * I most times recommend to use another
event, Destroyed All...Buildings instead. As if any unit is off the map, the
map wouldnt end, and its usually annoying in long maps.
Action: 1 Winner is...
Its my recommendation, however, to toggle the victory five or six seconds
after objective is accomplished. That way, you can stick in a string saying
objective accomplished or similar without interruptions.
Trigger structure would be:
Trigger: Win Prelude
Type: 0
Owner: < player house>
Event: Destroyed All, or whatever event is needed for ending the map
Actions: 11 Text Trigger (optional, in case you want to express something
before map end); 21, EVA_PrimaryObjectiveAchieved (In case its a primary objective,
as example); 54 Disable Trigger (This should disable losing triggers, as lose
triggers would still toggle if losing conditions happen within those 5 seconds);
53 Enable Trigger, Win (the trigger below)
Trigger Name: Win * or any other thing, just keeping order
Owner: < insert player house> * actually not needed but its just to keep an
Type: 0
Event: 13 Elapsed Time, 6
Action: 1 Winner is...
Usually a simple map, will have one or two objectives. For example, infiltrate
Building X, and Escape to Zone Y. How would you link both objectives?:
You have two ways. You can go for what is called a linear development of the
map, or a non-linear one. In the case of the example given above, it is obviously
linear. Because you need to accomplish an objective before you accomplish
another one. In honesty, linear mission maps are easier to control, specially
during testing.
Heres an example:
Linear development: Player has X unit, needs to infiltrate Y building and
escape to Z zone. Thus, you will need to detect when Y building is entered
Trigger: Enable Win
Type: 0
Owner: < player> *Actually its not necessary unless other actions demand, it
Event: 1 Entered By..., House who will toggle the trigger by entering the
attached structure, most cases itll be player (remember of course to attach
a structure)
Actions: **Whole lot you want, a camera move, a text trigger, a sound...**;
53 Enable Trigger, Win
Trigger: Win
Type: 0
Owner: < player> *same again.
Event: 1 Entered By..., house that must escape
Actions:Win / Enable Win (in case this would be the Win Prelude described
Now we will go for a description of non-linear:
Suppose Building X and Building Y need to be infiltrated in order to win.
The toggling of the Win Prelude, or the Win trigger can be made by several
ways, however the easiest one is through local variables
A Local variable is simply a boolean value, on or off, 1 or 0, true or false,
yes or no. First thing to do is creating two of them, one for Building X and
one for Building Y. So go to Edit ---> Local Variables, an create one called
BX and a BY, both with an initial value of 0. Now after, time of building
Trigger: BX
Owner: < player>
Type: 0
Event: 1 Entered by, player house, or house under player control (Remember
to attach the structure to this trigger)
Action: 56 Set Variable, BX + All the rest, sounds, text...
Trigger: BY
Owner: < player>
Type: 0
Event: 1 Entered by, player house, or house under player control (Remember
to attach the structure to this trigger)
Action: 56 Set Variable, BY + All the rest, sounds, text...
Then the Win trigger or prelude. What just needs to be remarked is that the
events should be two, so the trigger fires when both buildings are infiltrated.
So Events for the Win prelude trigger or directly Win trigger would be:
Event 0: 36 Local Set, BX
Event 1: 36 Local Set, BY
Finally, ill explain differences between linear and non-linear:
A point that linear development has, and that is really beneficiating for
author of the maps, is the spawning of patrols. In a non-linear commando maps,
there are difficulties to make groups of patrols, so that a major slowdown
is not produce if the units patrolling in the map are too much. In a linear
map, patrols are spawn by groups, in the measure player advances or map is
revealed. That way theres no over-consumption of processor time, keeping the
game running at high-speed, besides offering the author fullcontrol on patrol
timings, and the ability to divide them in groups, toggling its spawn when
the player does a certain thing (i.e approach an area)
Non-linear maps, in another corner, make possibilities on maps very flexible,
and allow difficulty abyss between doing one thing or another one initially.
For example, offering the player reinforcements if he accomplishes a secondary
or tertiary objective first, so primary becomes easier, but not viceversa.
That way, player needs to decide what to do first, and his decision affects
the rest of the map. Linear maps have this one problem, you cant make player
follow various paths without the map becoming non linear, unless the paths
all converge in the same one again, which requires more detail effort and
more patrol controls.
I think that should be it, the most noticeable differences.
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