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Light Emitting Buildings
Submitted by ArgCmdr

Light Emitting Buildings are only ornamental, their function is detail, and perhaps give a signal of what house a nearby structure is.

Lets imagine you want to make the Allied Construction Yard emit a soft blueish light.

Now, open your map in wordpad, and write down the following code (If you already created the GACNST section, just copy paste the code under the existant one and set the parameters:

[GACNST] ; ID of structure you want the lights in
LightVisibility=4000 ; Default to 5000, this is how far from building the light is visible in leptons (1/256 of a cell)
LightIntensity=0.01 ; Strength of light. If its going to be soft, 0.01 is the best value. Else your retinas will blow up.

LightRedTint=0.01 ; Amount of Red, default to 1
LightGreenTint=0,01 ; Amount of Green, default to 1
LightBlueTint=0.7 ; Amount of Blue, default to 1

Notice that setting high values of R G or B will make Intensity grow ingame, so if you want to make a purple lamp that looks just as lighting as a blue one, you have to cut the ammount of R and B to somewhere between half and 3/4 of usual.

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