Psychic Dominator to Ion Cannon
Submitted by Detail
This guide will tell you how to change the psychic dominator into an Ion Cannon.
First, find "DominatorCaptureRange=" and change it to "0" as the ion cannon
dose not capture units.
Second, above it is "DominatorDamage=" if you want you could turn this up
for a more damaging beam.
Third, find "[DominatorWH]" and change the entarys to " CellSpread=1.5 PercentAtMax=1
Verses=100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,0%,0% " you could have
the verses differant.
Fourth, find "DominatorFirstAnim=" & "DominatorSecondAnim=" and change them
to your ion beam shp's. If you dont have any made use "IONBEAM" & "CHRONOSB".
There your done. Now test it to make sure it works.
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